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Seems like he's at it again. Grasping on to any bit of relevancy he has left, Producer Naughty Boy just can't seem to keep Zayn/One Direction out of his mouth – or, off his twitter really.

NB took to social media once more to post cryptic tweets about the group; although this time it seemed more pro-1D than Zayn. Though the original tweet has since been deleted, it read "stop making a fool of yo self cuz @zaynmalik lol #getagrip leave it to the music blud NB #wisdom." Spelling errors courtesy of NB himself. Fortunately for drama's sake, he followed this by RTing a tweet about One Direction shortly after, as well as a quote from their new song.

It's still a little unclear as to why the two left things on such a bad note, but it's increasingly clear that Z has cut ties with the producer. As if it wasn't obvious enough, Zayn even took to twitter himself to show his distaste for the man. His comments stopped with that, but Naughty Boy just can't seem to let it go.

While Zayn has gone mute, his fans certainly haven't. NB seems to have gotten himself in for more than he can handle, with hate tweets and even threats coming in by the second.

Zayn's been spending most of his time with new producers in LA, where he's rumored to have recently moved. He changed his twitter bio to state the new city as his location. As for Naughty Boy"? maybe he should take his own advice. #masterofallwisdom.

Writer: Loras Penn, @lmnotweets (Twitter), lmnogram (Instagram)