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Well that didn't last for long. If you're one of the millions of One Direction fans who cried themselves to sleep last Sunday, you'll be happy to know that 1D have no plans of splitting.

They're just as excited for the future as you are. And they're coming back after the break. Louis promises.

Three of the four members were quick to dispel rumors about them going on their separate ways for good, assuring fans that this was definitely not the end of One Direction.

We didn't get much confirmation from Harry, but we did get a follow spree. So we'll let him off the hook.

Now that we don't have to worry about what happens after the break, what are you most exciting for during it? Baby Tommo pics? Solo projects? We know we're excited to see 4/4 get a well deserved break.

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Writer: Loras Penn, @lmnotweets (Twitter), lmnogram (Instagram)