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New trailer for Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice Trailer 2 is out and it's already over 8 million views - thanks to the debut on Jimmy Kimmel Live. Check it out here and add to the viewership folks.

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MAN OF STEEL hunk Henry Cavill has teased fans by suggesting a good sex life keeps him in shape for his role as Superman.

The British actor was detailing his diet and exercise regime for the superhero movies during an appearance on America's The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon on Wednesday (12Aug15) when he made the kinky confession... read more

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And The Crowd Goes Wild !!!!

Warner Bros. just delivered Huge for their Movie Panel in Hall H at San Diego's Comic-Con Saturday.

They gave sneak peeks at footage from their upcoming films which include an adaptation of Peter Pan simply called "Pan", and

"The Man From U.N.C.L.E." as well as films ... read more